Tuesday August 17, 2021 was Joomla's 16th birthday and Joomlers around the world celebrated with big events. Birthdays usually come with a gift and after the long wait for Joomla 4 what could be better than a gift of the official launch of Joomla 4.o stable release?
Read more: Joomla 4 Is Launched and This Is My Favourite Feature

JoeJoomla is proud to be a sponsor of JoomlaDay USA 2021. This is an online only event with a great speaker lineup. It will also be interactive so you will get to chat with attendees, presenters and some sponsors. The sessions are being recorded and will be available for those who bought a ticket.
We have one ticket to give away for this event. JoeJoomla will also be releasing a new service offering and for those who purchased a ticket for the event we'll give away one month free to anyone that signs up for our new maintenance plans.

Joe Sonne Marketing and JoeJoomla will be closed from Friday October 11 until Monday October 14, 2019 while we are attending JoomlaDay Chicago 2019
Joe is back on the speakers trail and will be presenting the first session of the day right after the Keynote Address by Jason Nickerson from CPanel.

It may seem that we are a little late to the party so-to-speak regarding a ticketing system for clients but we've had a client support site for awhile now. The site is https://clients.joesonne.com/ and it's located at Joe Sonne Marketing because our clients are actually Joe Sonne Marketing clients. 'JoeJoomla' is the Joomla CMS web brand of Joe Sonne Marketing. But there was a deficiency with the support site which became obvious when we onboarded a recent new client.