One of my favourite movies from 2000 was High Fidelity. In that flick John Cusack laments his “Top 5” breakup songs. So in the spirit of High Fidelity I would like to declare my Top 5 list from the Joomla World Conference 2012 sessions.
I only saw a small number of sessions in person while I was there from the 60 plus sessions of the event. This top 5 list is actually my top 5 right now list until I get all the way through the videos posted from the event. My list is a good one so far. It will take a pretty good session to bump any of these off the list. So here we go…

I did some really dumb things at the first Joomla! World Conference in San Jose, California. But what’s a big event without memorable stories?
First though, this was an excellent conference attended by an International audience of developers, integrators, and users. The speakers were impressive. I was really excited about going to this conference. Many of the people behind the latest innovations in Joomla! were there in person. I felt like a kid on my way to a candy store with a credit card. This was going to be a great weekend.
Read more: Joomla! World Conference 2012 and Geeks Gone Wild

An Alpha version of Joomla! 3.0 is now available for download and it's an exciting new release. Among other things this new version is positioned to have mobile built right into it. So the question now is what version of Joomla! should I be using?
This particular 3.0 version of Joomla! is for developers and early adopters only. If your website is currently on Joomla! 1.5x or Joomla! 2.x you are in good shape. Both of these versions are solid. Something to keep in mind however is that Joomla! 1.5 has come to it's official end of support by the Joomla! project. Now is the time to think about the future...

Some people make changes to their website on a live production server. I prefer to work offline. I have a copy of my website on a localmachine server environment using MAMP. If you are not familiar with MAMP you can check these articles out.
Read more: What To Do When Your Disqus Comments Link To The Wrong URL